Thursday, January 18, 2007

KEEP Toolkit

I created the 24th version of my portfolio using the KEEP Toolkit created by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. I copied the pages from another HTML version of my portfolio. The tool allowed me to reconstruct my portfolio in less than two hours, copying and pasting the information.

Once I figured out how the Dashboard worked, and how I could develop my portfolio with blank templates, it was relatively straightforward. I was able to do basic text editing with the Rich Text Editor. I added all links using the software's edit links tool.

I was also able to create several versions of my portfolio and individual pages, and stitch them together for another view. There is a lot of flexibility with the authoring tools. There is also no data management tool, to aggregate assessment data. Therefore, this tool would work for formative assessment (providing teacher and peer feedback on student work) but not for summative assessment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dear Dr. Barrett,

I've been reading your publications and projects in ePortfolio as myself is interested in this teaching and learning tool, especially in the social learning aspects. My dissertation topic is regarding designing social learning features into KEEP Toolkit. I just have a test drive site set up, I've also released the source code package. If you are interested in trying out a social learning version of KEEP here is the URL:

Please let me know what you think?

I am also having a related journal paper scheduled to be published in July by JISE. I will send you the link once it's online.

Sonya Zhang