Thursday, May 06, 2010

Add-Ons to GoogleApps

Today, several tweets from Google:
Lots more Google products are coming to Google Apps soon. Which one would you like to see first? #add2GA
Blogger, Picasa & Reader got the most votes! Those & more coming to Google Apps.
Their blog entry today: Lots more Google products are coming to Google Apps customers contains a lot more details. To quote their blog:
We intend to have all Standard, Premier and Education Edition customers moved to the new infrastructure that enables this change in the fall, and customers who would like more control over the timing of this change will be able to make the switch voluntarily during the summer.
I voted for Blogger! K-12 schools need a protected version inside their implementation of GoogleApps Education Education, which just keeps getting better and better! Now we need to resolve audio recording (Aviary's Myna add-on?) and safe, accessible video storage.

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