Sunday, January 09, 2011

Russian (and German) version of Balancing diagram

I received a Russian translated version of my Balancing the Two Faces of Electronic Portfolios diagram. This addition makes fives different translations: Spanish, Catalan, Japanese, Mandarin, and now Russian. As this EFL Instructor fron Volgograd State University said, when she sent me the image,
Your works have helped me greatly and I translated the table about two sides of e-portfolio into Russian during my work. It is one of our main fields of work to localize foreign literature for Russian public and vice versa. As I saw some foreign versions of your table in the online publication of the article such as Mandarin and Spanish I thought probably it will be a good idea to place the Russian version as well. So to express my gratitude I decided to send you the result of my work and hope it may become as useful for you as your works have become to me.
Thanks! These translated versions provide visual representations of how this concept has been accepted across the world!
UPDATE 1/26/11: I received the following message today: "attached I send you the German translation of your slide that is very helpfull for understanding the idea of eportfolios." This version is also included after the others on the web page.

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