Sunday, April 01, 2012

New Google Sites version of my portfolio

I created this Google Site in 2010 as a demonstration during a hands-on workshop. Yesterday, I decided to use the virtually unused site to update my portfolio based on the design of my Mahara portfolio created earlier in March. Since I learned how to create a horizontal menu bar in Google Sites,  I wanted to create a portfolio with that type of navigation, similar to the Mahara template I used. It gives me a lot more screen space, and was a lot faster to update. I can also create hierarchical/drop-down menus in the horizontal navigation bar... not possible in Mahara. I am happy that I now have most of my longer videos in YouTube, which makes it so much easier to embed them in Google Sites. It is interesting to compare the two versions of my Google Sites portfolio:
My Apple iWeb portfolio created in 2006 is still my favorite version visually, but is so difficult to update with iWeb since I swapped out the original domain file! Besides, MobileMe is going away soon. I uploaded that version to my web server space, and also saved the website I created with iWeb about my 2006 European cruise trip:

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